by Gemma Snow | Jan 29, 2020 | Author, Editing, Inspiration, my books, Writing
Let’s face it, writing is not only difficult and frustrating, it’s also very lonely. While we do spend some time interacting with other writers about our process or our promotion, writing is a largely solitary activity and us authors spend a...
by Gemma Snow | Jan 14, 2020 | Author, Books, Editing, Inspiration, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post–and check out the other blogs on the hop! While there are a thousand shades of writing processes, from researchers to outliners to storyboarders to free ballers, the fundamentals can be narrowed down to two–plotter vs. pantser. You...
by Gemma Snow | Jan 2, 2020 | Author, Blog Challenge, Inspiration, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! We’re leaving tomorrow morning on a six am flight to Boston and I’m stressed. Not about the trip, but about the piles of work that have been stacking up in the week since before the...
by Gemma Snow | Oct 28, 2019 | Author, Blog Challenge, Inspiration, my books
An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! It’s funny that this prompt should show up in November. Years ago, when I was a young lassie of fifteen (Okay, but I was joking and then I did the math and it’s not so funny…) I was embarking upon...
by Gemma Snow | Oct 7, 2019 | Author, Blog Challenge, Books, Editing, Inspiration, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! When it comes to the writing process, every writer is going to be different, but I also find that I write differently and follow unique paths depending on the book. For instance, some of my books...