An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! 


While I do love the occasional Target perusal (and subsequent coffee break) and my favorite book shop is the warehouse of second-hand stories where I always come home arms loaded, I do most of my shopping online, which has only become more true in recent weeks. Here are a couple of the fun things in my shopping carts right now! 


Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 9.41.15 PMFloral Sneakers 

Guys, I love absolutely everything Keds. They have this amazing collection with Kate Spade where everything is completely sparkly, but right now my obsession is with these amazing floral sneakers! There are so many options and I want them all! 


Floral Dresses 

71tlF6ACFxL._AC_UY679_I mean, it’s spring and I love florals. The only reason I don’t have more is because I can’t pick my favorites. 


Feeling Motivated

81P9iZ7NZFL._AC_SL1500_I get so into picking out the next planner that sometimes I don’t get it until several months into the year. But look at how cute this one is! 


Soil, soil, soil. 

61f7P49nyJL._AC_SL1500_I mean, it’s not just that I love when things look floral, I’m really into my garden right now and oops, guess who ran out of potting soil! My current balcony garden includes: avocados, sunflowers, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, wildflowers, sunflowers, zinnias, cat grass, and basil. And I can’t wait to decide on what I’m growing next. 



I mean, I have some sense of what I’m growing next! Look at how lovely and delicious these carrots are! And I’m thinking potatoes too. Because I can fit a whole farm on my balcony, right? 


81dt3WpruoL._AC_SL1350_Farmer’s Market Basket 71YHSeXX4gL._AC_SX569_

Dreaming of the day I can go back to the market! And when I’ll be able to fit this basket with my own veggies from the garden!


Whether or not I buy all these awesome goodies, they make me feel happy and optimistic about the future. I think that’s worth any amount of money. 

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