by Gemma Snow | Mar 23, 2020 | Author, Inspiration, MFRW, my books, Writing
I am six years old, sitting in my playroom with one of several cartoon-covered journals in my hand. The pages are scribbled with thousands of single-syllable words in pinks and purples: character names, magic spells, fantastical places I’m going to visit one...
by Gemma Snow | Feb 27, 2020 | Author, Blog Challenge, Books, MFRW, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post (Kinda) — And check out the other blogs on the hop! Feminism is nuanced. Not only does it change from day to day, but there are a thousand different angles from which to analyze the impact of media, politics, and science on the relationship...
by Gemma Snow | Dec 10, 2019 | Author, Blog Challenge, Inspiration, MFRW, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post Check out the other great blogs on the hop! Travel and writing go hand in hand. As a writer who has spent her entire life longing for distant lands, I can say that some of my greatest inspiration has come from the smallest details of new...
by Gemma Snow | Oct 14, 2019 | Author, Blog Challenge, Books, Inspiration, MFRW, my books, Writing
This post was originally published on November 7, 2017. Tips from a successful NaNo-er on how to keep sane, write well, and make your month count! First of all, congrats! Your interest in doing National Novel Writing Month shows an excitement for writing and...
by Gemma Snow | Sep 9, 2019 | Author, Blog Challenge, Books, Inspiration, MFRW, my books, Writing
An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! I don’t love cleaning out my cat’s litter box. I’d rather toss the trash and do the laundry than wash another dish, and I’m way too lax with scrubbing the shower floor, though I’m perfectly...
by Gemma Snow | Sep 2, 2019 | Author, Books, Humor, Inspiration, MFRW, my books, Uncategorized, Writing
An MFRW Author Post – And check out the other blogs on the hop! We live in incredible times. To think that in less than one hundred years, we’ve developed life-saving vaccines, perfected the automobile and created an international web that connects countries,...